Burning Man 2017 | KP's Personal Photos & Experiences at Burning Man

Moving from the South, I had heard of Burning Man but unless you have experience a burn, its really hard to explain. I've only been twice, so I'm no expert on the best way to experience Burning Man....all I know is drink a lot of water and don't photograph a wedding a day after Burning Man (ahem, speaking from experience). I tell my friends back home its part Woodstock, rave, art show & survival of the fittest.

For most, it isn't a fashion show as shown Instagram would have you believe, but a freedom of expression and enjoying 'you for you'. And to be honest, its hot as hades people, so booty shorts and sports bras are a go-to. And no, people aren't “hooking up” all over the place....but they ARE disconnected from their mobile devices & social media and connecting with people of all ages from all over the world. And isn't that something we should do more often, preferably in a tutu or funky sunglasses?